Saturday 30 January 2021

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Our Water Resources

Hello Friends today's topic is Our Water Resources so let's know this topics. Water is the most important resource on Earth.  All living things need water to survive. There will be no life on earth without water. About two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered with water.

Uses of Water - We need water for domestic purposes and irrigation.

Domestic and Industrial Uses - Water is used for domestic purposes such as drinking, washing and cooking. Water is also used for industrial purposes. Some industries use water in abundance.

Irrigation - Rain is not evenly distributed in our country. There are many areas that do not receive sufficient rainfall. So the farmers have to depend on artificial means of irrigation like wells, tube wells and canals.

Source of Water - There are large water bodies like oceans and seas. But this water is saline and it cannot be used for drinking or for domestic purposes or irrigation. Rain is our main source of water. Water from the oceans evaporate in the form of water vapour and comes down to the Earth in the form of rain and snow. Rivers get water from rain or melting snow. Some rainwater goes underground through porous rocks. The water which we use for various purposes is either surface water or ground water.  Surface Water is found in rivers, lakes, ponds and waterfalls. Ground Water is tapped by digging wells and tube wells.

Wells and Tube Wells - In some areas where underground water is easily available, it is tapped by digging wells. A well is an open hole dug in the ground to reach the underground water Wells are less expensive to be constructed. Tube wells pump up water to the surface from deep inside the earth. A very deep bore is dug into the earth with a drilling machine and a pump is installed.

Canals - Some big rivers in India have water throughout the year. Water from these rivers is diverted to the fields through small channels called canals. The Indira Gandhi canal in Rajasthan provides water to a large part of north-west India.

Tank - In the peninsular India, where the terrain is rocky and uneven, it is difficult to dig wells. In these areas, the rainwater gets collected in natural hollows. Tanks are constructed at these sites for storing this water. This method of irrigation is more common in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Dams and Multi Purpose Project  - To reduce our dependence on rain, several irrigation projects have been undertaken by the government. These projects provide continuous supply of water to the farmers. Dams are built across rivers. The dam is a concrete structure that is built across the river to check the flow of water. A huge lake created behind the dam. The water from these lakes can be diverted to the canals for irrigation. Dams help in storing water, checking floods and generation of hydroelectricity. Some of the important multi-purpose projects of India are Bhakra Nangal Dam in Punjab, Damodar Valley Project in Jharkhand, Nagarjunasagar Dam in Andhra Pradesh, Farakka Barrage in West Bengal, Kosi Project in Bihar, Tungabhadra Project in Andhra Pradesh, Chambal Valley Project in Madhya Pradesh and Hirakud Dam in Orissa.

Water Pollution - Water is a valued natural resource. It is the basis of life on the Earth. However, water from open sources is getting polluted due to disposal of industrial wastes and domestic garbage. As responsible citizens of India, it is our duty to keep rivers clean.  We should not throw domestic or industrial wastes in water. We should not bathe or wash clothes on the riverbanks. Our government has initiated various projects to supply clean water to all the people. They are cleaning the rivers so that drinking water is not polluted. In urban areas, the water supplied in the taps is also treated before it is supplied into the taps. The impurities of water are removed and the water is treated in big water treatment plants. Certain chemicals such as chlorine are also added to the water after filtering in order to make it safe for drinking purposes.

Our Water Resources
Our Water Resources

End of Articles.... Thanks...

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